Saturday 11 February 2012

Preteen Girls UPDATE

Hello Again Redditors!!
 Just a quick update on the /r/preteen_girls story. Many redditors are still arguing about the subject. One of the most hard-core against the reddit posts I have seen comes from a redditor whos name will remain unknown to the blog. His or her post is titled "You Bunch Of Fucking Cunts. I Woujld Actualy Destroy You All IRL". Inside the post is "Seriously, the amount of pain I would inflict upon you is probably more illegal than the fucking disgusting shit you all fap to.
Kill yourselves etc etc". Also, other redditors have been posting things un-related to the topic of the reddit. Including a picture of a young, chubby little boy in a miniature wrestling suit. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I think the reddit is getting out of hand. Thats all for today. Bye!

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