Thursday 19 January 2012

SOPA, Pickles And Bananas.

Aloha Redditors! Welcome back to my blog of pure fricken awesome! I have alot t get through in this post, so lets get to it, shall we. Now first of all, lets talk about SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). I am not going to give a giant explaination on SOPA, but I will refer you to a couple links. Here is the blog.reddit post about it:
Here is the Wikipedia column:
So anyway, what really got to most of us redditors today (And made us get some work done) was the fact that reddit went dark for 12 hours today. Personally, that really sucked. I do want to here what you thought about, so please share in the comments. Now lets move on from bad, to WORSE.
As you have probably heard, there is a new war starting. No, no countries are involved. Just Pickles. Pickles, And Bananas.  Yes, it's true. /r/pickle Have began war against /r/banana. This war started at the hands of redditor Codeusa, who claims he "Started This War Cause He Wanted His Jar". He Was At One Point The PICKLE KING, but he offered peace with the Bananas in this post. As you can see, his name is now marked with "Deposed Pickle King" On /r/pickle and "Dicks Dicks Dicks" On /r/banana, so I imagine he feels depressed. POLITE_ALLCAPS_GUY (Best Known For Being A Mod On /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/) Is The New Pickle King, And he said to continue this war. Banana has done nothing for peace so far. I Hope This Blog Entry Has Educated you in some way. Bye for now!

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